Friday, 28 June 2013

No Excuse Not To Write

My favorite place to write is not my desk. It's when Luna and I are curled up together, and she's actually quiet and curled up and all cute-like, like one of those motivational kitten posters, and I can have my notebook in front of me and just. Write in it with nothing in the world bothering me.
This kind of perfect writing time happens maybe once every few months. And on these days I usually spend so much time marveling about how everything seemed to come together so darn well that. I end up not writing as much as I should. Just laying there like an idiot until I fall asleep or Luna smacks me.
Things are pretty much always going to be busy. Your mind and body are rarely going to be in that perfect: 'let's do it!' mode. And stuff in life is going to happen whenever the hell it pleases. You have to accept all that, and you have to accept that if you want to write, you have to learn to just... do it.
Yes, there are times when I think to myself "well I can't write because I just got an arrow to the face" or "I can't write because giant bugs just molested and ate parts of me." But really, when I'm laying in bed sulking and trying to heal up, what the hell else should I be doing? Just sulking isn't productive. And yes, it's hard to start writing when you're in pain or distracted, but... you know what? It often helps.
Sometimes I think to myself, things were too busy to write. But really? So every moment of the entire day was used up by me doing something that left me no time to work on anything whatsoever? I never had a single moment of time where I was just.. laying on my face somewhere, or Luna and I were wasting time, or I was just lounging around, not really working on anything?
You can always find a moment to write. It's just that lack of motivation again, that... very natural desire to procrastinate or wait for a better moment or when you're not feeling tired or crappy or braindead. But as I've found out a lot of life is. Kind of being about crappy and braindead and learning to push through that and get things done all the time. I mean, if you really want to write, don't just say it... write. Even if it's not fun, well. Writing's not about fun, not all the time. Sometimes it's going to suck. Sometimes it's going to be a pain in the ass. Sometimes it's going to keep you up at night and sometimes it's going to keep you from doing all the stuff you want to do. But... write anyway. Because often the story at the end of the day is worth it.

~Scrivener Blooms

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