Friday, 15 March 2013

Thorn-In-Hoof Words

As a writer, you're going to develop certain tendencies, and a kind of awkward relationship with your own writing and moreover, the language(s) you write in. Well. Tendencies, maybe, is a gentle way to put it. Eccentricities. Ticks. Things. If you've been writing for any long period of time you'll know what I'm talking about, I'm sure.
One of these things is love for certain words and a uh... hatred for certain other words. And I mean hatred. Utter apathetic loathing. Really definitely not-at-all liking. I mean, seriously, you'll find that you're going to very literally absolutely just hate some words. Like. You will go to great, amazing lengths to avoid using them. And when you do use them, you'll reserve them for very, very, very specific situations.
I'm. I'm completely sure I'm not the only writer who does this, even if I'm the only writer who'll ever admit to doing this.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, either. With writing, consistency is... basically everything. It's when you're not consistent that your writing really starts to look messy as hell. If you consistently avoid certain words except for certain instances it'll also help instantly clarify a situation in writing. People have a tendency to naturally recognize patterns like that, whether it's conscious or subconscious. You can actually use that to your advantage... you know, so long as you're aware of what words you're avoiding, and can swallow back the frustration of working with them.
It only becomes problematic if you can't work out a synonym and are refusing to use a word on pure principle. But there's only about one percent of the time where that will actually occur, so... you know. Feel free to hate on words all the same. But try and remember they're just words, and they all have their uses. They're not actually teeth gnawing at your brain or thorns in your hooves, even if they can feel like that at times. And besides. Sometimes writing is about the pain. Sometimes the best writing comes when you do the stuff you hate doing, and push through the moments of absolute suck.

~Scrivener Blooms

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