Sol knew what this was: a test, and a trap. They could not reject Veliuona's request: to do so would be to risk making themselves seem weak, as if they were afraid of the goddess, and it would invite trouble from both sides. Likewise, inviting Veliuona in was dangerous: she would be able to see Canterlot for herself, explore their sanctuary, and if she so chose, attack them within their own walls. Sol highly doubted she feared retaliation from the Baron, after all: it was all too clear that her only concern was with her, and her siblings.
Still, they had no choice... and Sol trusted that if Veliuona was cunning enough to make this move, she would also be wise enough to forestall any attempts on their lives. After all, Veliuona could neither reason with nor fight the Tyrant Wyrms even with her armies of the dead: from what they had heard, the terrible words sung by the monsters were as devastating to her forces as they were to the armies of the living.
Titan, always seeing the best in others, always full of hope and kindness, said it would be good to speak with their new ally face-to-face. Morgan was concerned, and her worries were amplified, not soothed, by the whispers of her paladin in her ear. She loved him, and blinded herself again and again to what he did: it seemed, to Sol's frustration, that no matter what the paladin did, no matter how she reflected and thought, Morgan continued to give the stallion chance after chance, chose to trust in him instead of punish him or turn him away. Sol thought it a sign of weakness, and was worried about what it would cost.
Sol was neither soothed nor put off by the reactions of her siblings, however: she knew what she had to do, and she was not willing to back down from her course of action. And what further prompted her was the fact that there were rumors of the Tyrant Wyrms beginning to push inwards throughout Equestria, as if hunting for something... or worse, perhaps only expanding their territory. Either way, it was worrisome news.
There was no denying that even with their shaky alliance, Veliuona was an evil that would have to be eradicated in the future. She would have to keep a close eye on the Goddess of the Cursed Shades. But all the same, Sol had to admit there was a certain... eagerness to meet this creature, to have the rare chance to be able to face this dark goddess in a different sort of battle than a physical altercation, to study Veliuona and perhaps see the way that Veliuona would study her as well.
And when Veliuona came, fearless, with only two attendants - who, powerful as they were, were also subservient, and clearly there as thralls to their goddess' whims - Sol met her, with her siblings on either side, and the paladin hiding in the shadow of Morgan. Veliuona and Sol faced one another, their eyes locking, the great and dangerous and powerful goddess from a distant land staring down into the eyes of a ruthless, fearless warrior.
Veliuona bowed her head first, and that was Sol's first victory against her. But it was not a victory that Sol savored: instead, she bowed her own head to the goddess, and so was sealed their tryst.
However temporary it would prove to be.
Sol was neither soothed nor put off by the reactions of her siblings, however: she knew what she had to do, and she was not willing to back down from her course of action. And what further prompted her was the fact that there were rumors of the Tyrant Wyrms beginning to push inwards throughout Equestria, as if hunting for something... or worse, perhaps only expanding their territory. Either way, it was worrisome news.
There was no denying that even with their shaky alliance, Veliuona was an evil that would have to be eradicated in the future. She would have to keep a close eye on the Goddess of the Cursed Shades. But all the same, Sol had to admit there was a certain... eagerness to meet this creature, to have the rare chance to be able to face this dark goddess in a different sort of battle than a physical altercation, to study Veliuona and perhaps see the way that Veliuona would study her as well.
And when Veliuona came, fearless, with only two attendants - who, powerful as they were, were also subservient, and clearly there as thralls to their goddess' whims - Sol met her, with her siblings on either side, and the paladin hiding in the shadow of Morgan. Veliuona and Sol faced one another, their eyes locking, the great and dangerous and powerful goddess from a distant land staring down into the eyes of a ruthless, fearless warrior.
Veliuona bowed her head first, and that was Sol's first victory against her. But it was not a victory that Sol savored: instead, she bowed her own head to the goddess, and so was sealed their tryst.
However temporary it would prove to be.