Friday, 26 July 2013

In Ages Past

In Ages Past
Scrivener Blooms

Once upon a time we knew each other,
What seems like so long ago,
When there were ladies fair and the castles were besieged
          by dragons.

We knew each other, you and I;
And even though we spent so much time at odds,
At the end of the day, there were precious few others that
          I could trust.

I think you felt the same way, way back then,
Or at least I like to pretend;
I don't know anymore what's really the truth, and what
          is only ether.

But I know that time continues to move forwards,
And I know you've gone to the city,
While here I live in the forest, so far away from you
          and what we had.

The world has changed from the past we shared,
When you and I were young,
And we were dumb enough to think we understood
          the world.

The eras move on, and I know that people move on too;
I wish they didn't have to,
But I know it's for the best: you are gone, even if I am
          still here.

Maybe one day, far away, when the world revolves again,
We'll meet a second time,
And I'll see you, and share with you a hello, even if I know that
          it will just lead to goodbye.

But that time again, will be sweeter for the memories,
Even if bittersweet, and regretful,
Of what we could have had if the world had waited only for
         a moment;

          but that time is past.
          goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
          and i close the door on

a memory;
but it remains unlatched.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Dear Luna's Butt

Dear Luna's Butt
A Seriously Serious Poem by Scrivener Blooms

Dear Luna's Butt, I am writing you a letter,
With the hopes that it reaches you in good strength,
I am truly hope you are feeling better,
From that time you sat down on that full nail's length.

I would like to extend the sympathies of my own ass,
Which hurt just as much when on that nail your rump crashed,
And although my fanny lacks your rather impressive mass,
It still proper felt like my own behind had just been bashed.

This is probably because you did in fact bash it,
Kicking in my rear out of spite like a foal,
And now I find it uncomfortable to try and sit,
And like my buttocks is one cheek short of whole.

But this letter is one of pity, and not reprimand,
For you see, I regret the vengeance I have already taken,
It was just that for a moment I fell under passion's command,
And you've already fallen into my trap, if I'm not mistaken.

By the time you read this, it will already be too late,
As I replaced your bum cream with poison from a certain snake,
You know the one: you told me about it on our last date,
You mentioned you were allergic to it while stuffing your face with cake.

Revenge, however, is clearly not the dish for me,
As I hear you running around, scraping your posterior against trees,
Your yelling and frustration and boil-covered derriere gives me no glee,
But at least now the score is even between us, you see.

Butt, tonight, I promise that I will caress you,
I will rub you with aloe and soothe your boils and rash;
Butt, let me make one little thing clear, too:
If you mess with my hiney, I will buck up your ass.

Friday, 12 July 2013

An Open Letter

Dear Pony Who Will Never Read This,
Today was a spectacularly crappy day. Luna and I got in our first argument in a long while. I mean a serious argument, not... our usual stupid bickering. Anyway, it got really heated, and then we realized a little too late that with this link connecting us now... well... we can't exactly just storm away from each other. We can focus each other out of mind, but... we can't physically be all that far apart, for all that long. So it's... that makes it harder to cool down sometimes, but it also at least does kind of force us to.... face each other.
But to completely avoid the problem, Luna and I went to Ponyville, where we could. Walk down separate streets and huff angrily at each other over the distance and pretend we were talking to other ponies.
I decided to pick up groceries today. I went into the store, cranky and grumpy. I got a few things, came to the counter, and of course, yes, there's an employee being trained by... well, you, but I guess that's kind of a spoiler. And I have no bits, but I do at least have that... notebook thing Twilight gave me a long time ago. I dunno, it's some... signed... official I-will-pay-you-back documentation...  I dunno. It's got Celestia's stamp on it, though, it's how Twilight buys everything, then she sends Spike around with the bits and... rambling, rambling, okay. Right. Back on topic.
Anyway, so I was jotting that done, and then you said you recognized me. I didn't recognize you. I still don't... actually know your name. But you said you'd bought one of my books. I would  not have believed you, except you started saying the titles of a few of my poems and well, that... really caught me by surprise, and... I talked to you for a little while, while the lineup at the counter grew longer and longer, and the trainee you were working with is panicking a little, until... I finally say my awkward goodbye and half-run away because I'm not shy I'm just socially handicapped.
Anyway. I went outside, all... buzzed a little. And there Luna is, and she wants to know what's going on. She's giving me that smile of hers... curious, half-teasing. And... everything  between us is suddenly okay, and I walk over and kiss her and... well, stuff.
So I wanted to say thank you. Because you made my day, and even though you probably had no idea, you helped me and Luna out of a rough patch. So uh... thanks.

~Scrivener Blooms

Friday, 5 July 2013


Hobbies are good to have. They teach you stuff and they're. Well, they're there. They're fun, I suppose. They're just important to have. But I don't really consider writing a hobby; partly because it was my job for so long, partly because it's something that if I don't do I'll shrivel up and die. Your hobby shouldn't be something that if you don't do it you'll die. That's bad.
I like puzzles. Puzzles are nice, and quiet, and they form pretty pictures. They don't require a lot of thinking, but they keep your brain engaged. They're... nice. I don't have a lot of nice things. I mean, well, yeah, I do. I have some great things in my life, but I don't mean 'nice' as in 'good,' I mean 'nice' as in 'will not abuse, cut, scratch, or maim me.' Luna is a nice thing but not a nice thing, you see?
I find sometimes that while I'm putting a puzzle together or... taking a nice walk or... you know, doing something that doesn't require a whole lot of thought but I relatively enjoy, my thoughts flow a lot easier. It's not writing, no, but it does relate, because I rarely have any good ideas about writing while I'm actually writing. Whenever I had to actually think of a poem for the Royal Courts and stuff, that was always my worst work. My best work always seemed to come out of nowhere, when I had my brain completely focused on something else instead of this or that task.
The trick is remembering those ideas, but... well, personally, I recommend either carrying a notebook everywhere or just... well. Remembering. Yes, I know, helpful. I don't know, though, it's like... after all the years I spent in the Northlands without being able to rely on being able to just, bust out my writing journal anytime I wanted, I kind of learned to dedicate part of my mind to just remembering weird stuff. Trivia, ideas, bits of verse and writing... I mean, it helps to associate it with something, yeah, but for me it's also just always kind of there, floating along the surface. I guess my brain's just kind of funny like that.
So. Yeah. Find a hobby, apart from writing. It'll help calm your focus, and it'll really help your mind... de-pressure from any writing you might do during the day.
Just. If it's puzzles, sometimes it's better not to let certain ponies 'help' you. Because certain ponies have to put everything in their mouths or throw pieces everywhere and they got lost to the void and that's why I haven't completed a single goddamn puzzle in years. This is why I dream of having an office. Or finally teaching Luna that not everything has to be thrown or spat at me. But one of those things is much more likely to happen than the other.

~Scrivener Blooms